Where Can You Learn About a Job Candidate Outside of Your Work Environment?
The most professional and efficient way to assess your candidate
The most professional and efficient way to assess your candidate
During your interview process, you may become exhausted and frustrated with a lack of quality candidates
Earlier this month, we discussed a few of the key reasons why seemingly happy and thriving employees submit resignation letters. Some of these reasons come with plenty of warning (unaddressed complaints, rejected requests for a pay increase, or a hostile workplace culture), but sometimes they appear seemingly out of nowhere. This week, we
In previous blogs, we
Hiring an employee may
As a manager, you
According to a recent analysis by the American Time Use Survey, about 1.2 percent of Americans spend some time every day searching for a job. On average, those who engage in this activity spend about 2.5 hours doing so. So if you
As you step into a leadership role at the head of your company or your team, you can expect plenty of things to change over the next few years. You may experience personnel turnover, you may achieve some key goals and put those milestones behind you, and you may shift direction or change your definition of a successful product or service. Even your target audience may shift, which may require changes in your marketing plan or value proposition. But here
If you were inclined, you and your team could hold unstructured interviews and follow the process where it led you. You could, for example, simply sit back at the beginning of the session and give the candidate a prompt like