4 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement this Winter

Winter can be a challenging time for employees, but as distractions pile up and the doldrums set in, this season can present an even bigger obstacle for managers. Here are a few ways to keep your teams on track regardless of holiday cheer, snowy roads, slow cold mornings, and limited daylight hours. Set a Good Example 99 percent of leadership comes from showing, not telling. If you want your employees to show up on time, every day, for every meeting, [...]

Long Distance Interviews through Video

Thanks to increased accessibility to computer and Internet technology in American households--and to the economic circumstances requiring some stay-at-home parents to telecommute--more and more individuals are find themselves located many miles away from their employers. Here are some tips for approaching a long distance interview. 1. Perform a trial run. Perhaps you are newer to video chat technology and need a few practice runs to be confident in your ability to quickly execute, maintain and disconnect a call. Make sure [...]

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