Scottsdale Staffing Agency | Accent' Hiring Group Arizona Staffing Agency Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:26:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 4 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement this Winter Tue, 10 Dec 2013 20:36:32 +0000 Winter can be a challenging time for employees, but as distractions pile up and the doldrums set in, this season can present an even bigger obstacle for managers. Here are a few ways to keep your teams on track regardless of holiday cheer, snowy roads, slow cold mornings, and limited daylight hours.

Set a Good Example

99 percent of leadership comes from showing, not telling. If you want your employees to show up on time, every day, for every meeting, despite the multiple directions in which they

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Long Distance Interviews through Video Tue, 16 Jul 2013 17:42:36 +0000 Thanks to increased accessibility to computer and Internet technology in American households–and to the economic circumstances requiring some stay-at-home parents to telecommute–more and more individuals are find themselves located many miles away from their employers. Here are some tips for approaching a long distance interview.

1. Perform a trial run. Perhaps you are newer to video chat technology and need a few practice runs to be confident in your ability to quickly execute, maintain and disconnect a call. Make sure you know how to adjust volume, screen views, and alerts that may pop up on your computer and distract you. And even if you have Skyped a hundred times and FaceTimed two hundred, you can never be too careful.

2. Hone interview questions. If you have a pre-established set of questions you ask candidates in face-to-face interviews, it may be tempting to forego going over the list prior to your first interview. Take just a few minutes to make sure that none of the questions are irrelevant due to the nature of the interview. For instance, if you have a question about relocation listed but you will be interviewing telecommuters, it is unnecessary to gauge their reaction to relocation.

3. Practice with family or friends. If you are new to video communication, you may not yet be used to how self-aware you will become. Having a live feed of your mannerisms staring you in the face as you try to communicate with someone can be an incredibly self-effacing experience. get used to yourself on camera by practicing with family and friends. Instead of calling your wife

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Tips for Applying Data to your Business Strategy | Arizona Tue, 20 Nov 2012 19:00:19 +0000 The world of business has evolved rapidly. In the technological age, even businesses that do not deal in e-commerce have an online presence, and this presence is one of the best available strategies for growing a business

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