Have you ever faced a task or a problem that seemed to warrant a team meeting, and then scheduled, held, and left that meeting feeling even more lost than you felt when you started? When we sit down with our teams to hash things out and make a plan, we often end up whiling away an hour (or two) with no measurable progress and no next steps or actionable items to speak of. How does this happen? And how can managers keep the day on track by asking the right questions? Here are three key questions that can leave your employees with an elevated sense of confidence and direction.
What one thing can we do to make this week better?
Of course, there are probably several things that you can do to make the week better. But for now, try to isolate one primary item, action, or resource that you can offer to your teams to support their success. Are some of your team members struggling with a conflict that they need to resolve? Are you dealing with one major obstacle that that