Does the Candidate Fit Your Culture?
When hiring candidates, it can be a tempting notion indeed to hire the candidates with the most experience, the
When hiring candidates, it can be a tempting notion indeed to hire the candidates with the most experience, the
Thanks to increased accessibility to computer and Internet technology in American households--and to the economic circumstances requiring some stay-at-home parents to telecommute--more and more individuals are find themselves located many miles away from their employers. Here are some tips for approaching a long distance interview. 1. Perform a trial run. Perhaps you are newer to video chat technology and need a few practice runs to be confident in your ability to quickly execute, maintain and disconnect a call. Make sure [...]
Summer can be known as the season of slacking; after all, we are conditioned as children to view the months of June, July, and August as months of increased fun and freedom--and decreased work and responsibility. No one wants to take the pleasures out of summer, so it is important to find way to keep your employees focused this season while still maintaining a level of enjoyment for yourself and your office. 1. Hold a meeting or two outside. If [...]
Experience is an unparalleled asset for many reasons. It indicates a level of commitment to one
Interviewing job candidates for open positions is a task required of most management professionals. And if you
Employee engagement can begin to wane at certain points in the year. As the weather gets warmer, the days get longer, and vacations begin their siren songs, productivity and motivation reach low points--which can cost you time, money and momentum. This summer, try upping your employees
Business is made up of relationships. Consider all the bonds you have within your company: relationships with clients, with other companies, with co-workers--all of these ties create the web which connects us all in the business world. Without positive relationships, we cannot excel and we cannot move forward. Take proactive steps to build better relationships by doing the following: Intermittently scan your body language. Often, you may find that you are sending unintentional signals with the way you stand, your [...]
Springtime brings rejuvenation unlike any other force. The whole world seems to blossom and the subliminal yearning for rebirth awakens. You may find that the office seems to have a burst of energy--and it is precisely that energy that you can harness for the betterment of your workspace. Consider what kind of
The days are stretching longer, the temperatures are growing warmer, vacations are on the horizon...and your employees just can