Four Things to Look for When Examining Resumes

When you review candidate resumes, how carefully do you read between the lines? Do you allow yourself to be guided by instincts and broad impressions, or do you look for specific evidence of details that forecast success? Vague feelings and impressions can be useful, but they can also steer you astray. Here are a few moves that allow you to use your gut instincts without letting them drive the entire process. Look for concrete skills. Your candidate may be a

5 Ways to Improve Your Onboarding Strategy

The way you welcome new employees into your office and introduce them to you current staff can have a lasting impact on your mutual relationship. Employees start learning to adapt to a new environment the minute they walk into the workplace, and if the first thing they encounter is chaos and disorganization, or overstressed, distracted managers, this can suggest a challenging road ahead

Hire for Cultural Fit

Hiring for aptitude is important, but long term HR studies are starting to reveal what most experienced recruiters and staffing pros have known for generations: Aptitude and job skills only contribute one small metric to a complex, fully informed hiring decision. The rest depends on attitude, or what some HR experts refer to as

Keep Employees Focused this Summer

Summer can be known as the season of slacking; after all, we are conditioned as children to view the months of June, July, and August as months of increased fun and freedom--and decreased work and responsibility. No one wants to take the pleasures out of summer, so it is important to find way to keep your employees focused this season while still maintaining a level of enjoyment for yourself and your office. 1. Hold a meeting or two outside. If [...]

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