Praise Your Team and See the Results

As the old saying goes, a little bit of honey can help us win support and get things done. But in the modern workplace, this homespun wisdom takes on a bit more complexity. Countless studies proving this simple truth underscore the powerful impact of praise; a few encouraging words can translate into reduced turnover, improved morale and big returns for the company bottom line. Great managers don

Four Things to Look for When Examining Resumes

When you review candidate resumes, how carefully do you read between the lines? Do you allow yourself to be guided by instincts and broad impressions, or do you look for specific evidence of details that forecast success? Vague feelings and impressions can be useful, but they can also steer you astray. Here are a few moves that allow you to use your gut instincts without letting them drive the entire process. Look for concrete skills. Your candidate may be a

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