What Does an Improving Economy Mean for Hiring?

The economy has officially bounced back from the recent recession, and even after returning to pre-2008 levels, the stock market continues to climb. Consumer confidence is on the rise, corporate profits are reaching record highs, and even though wages have yet to catch up, most economic indicators look strong and positive for 2015. This includes unemployment rates, which are currently hovering around 6 percent and dropping at about a tenth of a point per month. So what does this mean [...]

Hire for Cultural Fit

Hiring for aptitude is important, but long term HR studies are starting to reveal what most experienced recruiters and staffing pros have known for generations: Aptitude and job skills only contribute one small metric to a complex, fully informed hiring decision. The rest depends on attitude, or what some HR experts refer to as

Keep Employees Focused this Summer

Summer can be known as the season of slacking; after all, we are conditioned as children to view the months of June, July, and August as months of increased fun and freedom--and decreased work and responsibility. No one wants to take the pleasures out of summer, so it is important to find way to keep your employees focused this season while still maintaining a level of enjoyment for yourself and your office. 1. Hold a meeting or two outside. If [...]

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