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So far admin has created 116 blog entries.

Block Out Biases when Conducting Interviews – Tips for Employers

Hiring a diverse staff of professionals to run your business - from employees to management - requires a focused effort. Though many employers have implemented programs designed to increase the diversity present, most of these problems have not been successful. As a result, many businesses are looking for new ways to increase success in hiring professionals of all races and creeds. What's the Problem What is becoming far more evident is that the employer is not the problem. The employer [...]

IT Hiring Challenges and How to Avoid Them

As a hiring manger or employer in the IT world, there are numerous obstacles along the path of hiring the right professional for the job. Employers are finding it difficult to find qualified professionals for the key positions within their companies. The even bigger problem is the growing importance of qualified IT professionals in virtually any business. What are the biggest problems and What can be done about them? Qualified Candidates Aren't There One of the problems in the industry [...]

Update on Job Market/Hiring Trends in Arizona

The Arizona job market may be the place to be. If you are looking for a job or wondering what type of talent is in the pool of candidates in the state, you may be surprised with the options. Though the state continues to suffer from significant unemployment as much of the United States does, there are some positive signs brewing and that's what many individuals are hoping to see continue. By the Numbers According to the Department of Labor, [...]

Audit Tips for Small Business

While no small business is immune from an occasional audit from the Internal Revenue Service, there are some ways to ready your business for a potential review of your financial records. Some experts have argued that the IRS is becoming more focused on the small business owner, due to the increase in the number of small businesses that have risen in the wake of the recession. However, the IRS does give some guidelines online about what an audit means and [...]

Takes More Than Money to Keep Employees Happy

How do you keep your employees happy? Do you throw money at them and assume that is all it will take to get them to stick around and work hard for you? If so, you could be missing the boat. Many employees today want money but they also want key types of recognition that can open the door to new opportunities for them. Employees want recognition, good communication and opportunities for career growth. Employers Are Offering It In many cases, [...]

Arizona 33rd for Job Recruiting on Social Media

Job recruiting using social media networks is a growing trend and it should be something all employers and employees take seriously. Some areas of the country are seeing a significantly larger percentage of usage of social media in this way than others. That gap could be a factor in the future, some experts warn. Social Networking for Jobs Social networks have become the place to go to find work. LinkedIn.com, for example, is considered the most popular tool for posting [...]

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