Employees who work remotely can provide several benefits to the company: By working at home they avoid distractions and competing obligations, they keep their own schedules so they can cover ground efficiently, and they don
When Hiring Executives, Remember This Important Tip
Interviewing and vetting candidates for executive positions may seem similar to interviewing entry and mid-level candidates, and in some ways, the structure and bureaucracy of the process offer a few overlaps. For example, at both ends of the spectrum, the selection must be fair and transparent, and promises made in the conversation must be honored in a resulting contract. But wise employers recognize one key difference: At higher levels, the candidates are interviewing the company and the vetting process moves [...]
Busy All the Time but Not Getting Anything Done? Here
Something strange seems to be happening to the hours and minutes that make up your day. For some reason, each time you look down at your desk for just a moment, you look up and half the day is gone. Worse, you have very little to show for these lost hours. Despite an entire day of effort and scramble, by the time the sun goes down, your to-do list seems to be longer than ever. What
When you evaluate candidates for any open position with a social component (which describes almost every position in the modern world), you probably look for signs of a
Improve Your Employee Onboarding Experience
You already work hard to make your new employees feel welcome and appreciated, and you already recognize that the sooner they find their footing, the better. A smooth onboard transition suggests a mutually productive and fulfilling relationship between the employee and the company. But are you overlooking a few details that could make your process even easier and more effective than it already is? Try these moves and you
Leadership Skills to Look for in Engineers
Engineers and IT pros may hold plenty of technical experience, and they may be great coders and micro-level problem solvers. But this doesn
Four Things to Look for When Examining Resumes
When you review candidate resumes, how carefully do you read between the lines? Do you allow yourself to be guided by instincts and broad impressions, or do you look for specific evidence of details that forecast success? Vague feelings and impressions can be useful, but they can also steer you astray. Here are a few moves that allow you to use your gut instincts without letting them drive the entire process. Look for concrete skills. Your candidate may be a
How Is Arizona
According to, the state of Arizona earned a 2015 scorecard that ranked above average, but not soaring. Not great, according to researchers, but solid. This determination was based on the analysis of data gathered throughout the year, and it refers to three cornerstone metrics of state economy health