How Do Recruiters Create Candidate Profiles that Attract Top Talent?

Accent recruiters know that the difference between a winning candidate and mismatch can be highly nuanced, and without years of experience, great listening skills, and evidence-based interview strategies, these important details can easily be missed. With that in mind, we conduct a thorough, multi-stage candidate profiling process with both the client and the candidate in mind at every step. Here are some of the detailed steps that set us apart and help us match the right candidate to the right [...]

Improve the Recruiting Process by Setting Priorities

An effective recruiting process involves a combination of speed, efficiency, and accuracy. But as experienced recruiters know, emphasizing one of these can often detract from the others. Speeding up the process and rushing candidates through screening and selection can cause teams to miss red flags or allow great prospects to get away. Slowing everything down and focusing on wise, measured analysis may mean the best candidates are left waiting and liable to be pulled away by other offers. So what

Improve Recruiting Efficiency: Tips for Small Businesses

Great recruiting can mean the difference between a dedicated, talented staff of committed employees and a pattern of high turnover. Strong sourcing, screening, and interviewing can get the job done right. But can it also get the job done fast? Make sure your recruiting strategy is efficient, not just effective. Save money and time while you identify and hire the best available candidates in the marketplace. Here

Hiring Employees? Use These Tips to Create a Strong Relationship

Hiring a new employee at the right time can take your workforce from overworked to overjoyed. However, not every workplace is prepared to work with new staff, and some employees or departments may have a hard time adjusting to the new dynamics. However, there are some ways you can make the transition a little smoother for all parties and make sure employees get along. Here are some important tips for creating strong relationships when hiring new permanent employees: Coordinate Introductions [...]

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