Motivate Your Team without Breaking Your Budget

Your team could use a motivational boost. When you glance around the office, you see far too many signs of burnout, passivity, and unnecessary conflict. Some of your most talented employees seem to be phoning it in now and then, and some of the obstacles and challenges that hold your teams back seem easily surmountable. So what can you do to get things back on track? How can inspire a general sense of inspiration and focus without breaking the bank? [...]

Part 2: Hiring Tips for Small Businesses

Last week, we introduced a few important guidelines that can help small business owners select and hire the most valuable workers in the marketplace. Your company may be small, and your margins may be thin, but with a careful strategy and a little extra effort, you can improve the overall dedication and efficiency of your workforce (even if that workforce only amounts to one or two people). Tidy up your front door. Keep your actual front door neat and appealing [...]

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