
When you evaluate candidates for any open position with a social component (which describes almost every position in the modern world), you probably look for signs of a

Four Things to Look for When Examining Resumes

When you review candidate resumes, how carefully do you read between the lines? Do you allow yourself to be guided by instincts and broad impressions, or do you look for specific evidence of details that forecast success? Vague feelings and impressions can be useful, but they can also steer you astray. Here are a few moves that allow you to use your gut instincts without letting them drive the entire process. Look for concrete skills. Your candidate may be a

As an employer, manager or supervisor, your employees are expected to approach you with any concerns, issues or questions they may have. While it's crucial to the success of any company that you maintain these open lines of communication, it's also important to remember that nobody is perfect. Indeed, there may be a situation or question that you simply don't have an answer to. Reducing Uncertainty For starters, you should always avoid telling an employee that you don't know an [...]

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