Avoid Creating a Bad Candidate Experience

Protect your business by protecting your relationships with every one of your stakeholders: your customers and clients, your shareholders, your employees, and members of an often-overlooked category: the candidates you ultimately decide not to hire. If an applicant engages with your company and walks away from the interaction feeling misused or misled, this is not the applicant

Should You Bring Back a Boomerang Employee?

You parted ways with your employee a few weeks, months, or years ago, and now they are reaching out to you hoping to reestablish your previous relationship. How should you respond? The answer will depend on a few key factors, including your level of need and the nature of your past interactions. Before you automatically say yes or no, think carefully and gather all the meaningful data available to you, including answers to the following questions. How did the relationship [...]

Praise Your Team and See the Results

As the old saying goes, a little bit of honey can help us win support and get things done. But in the modern workplace, this homespun wisdom takes on a bit more complexity. Countless studies proving this simple truth underscore the powerful impact of praise; a few encouraging words can translate into reduced turnover, improved morale and big returns for the company bottom line. Great managers don

Part 2: Hiring Tips for Small Businesses

Last week, we introduced a few important guidelines that can help small business owners select and hire the most valuable workers in the marketplace. Your company may be small, and your margins may be thin, but with a careful strategy and a little extra effort, you can improve the overall dedication and efficiency of your workforce (even if that workforce only amounts to one or two people). Tidy up your front door. Keep your actual front door neat and appealing [...]


Employees who work remotely can provide several benefits to the company: By working at home they avoid distractions and competing obligations, they keep their own schedules so they can cover ground efficiently, and they don

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