The Candidate Accepts your Offer: Now What?
After weeks of careful resume reviews, several days of phone screenings, and a full round (or two) of in person interviews, you
After weeks of careful resume reviews, several days of phone screenings, and a full round (or two) of in person interviews, you
Your primary interview goals are clear, and on the surface, they
November is upon us, and the annual review cycle is about to close. As you get ready to evaluate the performance of each employee, you
During a face-to-face interview, employers can indulge in 30 straight minutes (or more) of micro and macro level data regarding a candidate
As your company grows, your staffing needs are starting to expand. With good fortune comes higher levels of responsibility, and at this point, you
Your candidate selection process is almost complete, and you
The idea of conducting formal job interviews over plates of messy food may have seemed absurd and unconventional a generation ago. After all, interviews are among the most conservative and rigidly scripted conversations that occur in the modern workplace on a regular basis, and tailored suits and wide fake smiles work better in a sterile conference room than a noisy restaurant. But a growing number of employers are choosing this venue for their interviews, and for the most part, candidates [...]
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