Your Workplace Culture: Create More Innovators and Entrepreneurs

Could your workplace culture use a boost? When you look at your divisions and teams, would you like to see an increase in engagement, ambition, and idea-sharing? Even if your teams generally get along and enjoy their jobs, you may still see room for improvement and you may still benefit in looking for ways to cultivate your employees

One Thing That Never Changes When You are Leading

As you step into a leadership role at the head of your company or your team, you can expect plenty of things to change over the next few years. You may experience personnel turnover, you may achieve some key goals and put those milestones behind you, and you may shift direction or change your definition of a successful product or service. Even your target audience may shift, which may require changes in your marketing plan or value proposition. But here

How Is Arizona

According to, the state of Arizona earned a 2015 scorecard that ranked above average, but not soaring. Not great, according to researchers, but solid. This determination was based on the analysis of data gathered throughout the year, and it refers to three cornerstone metrics of state economy health

Hire for Cultural Fit

Hiring for aptitude is important, but long term HR studies are starting to reveal what most experienced recruiters and staffing pros have known for generations: Aptitude and job skills only contribute one small metric to a complex, fully informed hiring decision. The rest depends on attitude, or what some HR experts refer to as

Keep Employees Focused this Summer

Summer can be known as the season of slacking; after all, we are conditioned as children to view the months of June, July, and August as months of increased fun and freedom--and decreased work and responsibility. No one wants to take the pleasures out of summer, so it is important to find way to keep your employees focused this season while still maintaining a level of enjoyment for yourself and your office. 1. Hold a meeting or two outside. If [...]

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