Candidate Search Audit | Reevaluating Your Strategy

If you have been casting your nets in the same old ways and are not locating the most suitable talent for your company, you may find that performing a candidate search strategy audit can help you target the areas of your approach that need improvement. Ultimately, regular audits can help you cut hiring costs while increasing your company

End of the Year Reviews | Make the Most of Them

End of year reviews can be a task that is dreaded by both employee and supervisor. They tend to be nerve-wracking for both parties, dry, un-engaging, and largely one-sided. If you would like to shift the end of year review paradigm to a conversation that is more appealing overall, consider the following guide to help you build a framework for a discussion that will energize you--not zap all your mojo. 1. Open by defining the most valuable contributions that are [...]

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