Unemployment and Hiring: How will your Plans Be Affected?

As of November 2014, the unemployment rate was holding steady at 5.8 percent, similar to the month before and up by more than a full percentage point from the same month in 2013. As of this fall, unemployment rates are lower than they have been at any point since July 2008. This is fantastic news for the economy in general, and it

8 Great Ways to Motivate Your Team

The number eight has long been associated with power and luck in the world of business and management. With that in mind, we present a fun list of eight sure-fire ways to beat back the winter blahs and motivate your team this December. A flash of raillery. Yes, you have a deadline coming up. And yes, you have an unhappy client to deal with. Two of your best people are away on vacation and the parking lot is covered with [...]


November is upon us, and the annual review cycle is about to close. As you get ready to evaluate the performance of each employee, you

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