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So far admin has created 116 blog entries.

A Year in Review – 2013 Hiring Trends

What changes, trends and notable shifts did 2013 bring to the world of employment and staffing? And what predictions can we make as employers and job seekers set goals for the year ahead? Here are a few of the most noteworthy trends affecting the hiring marketplace in 2013 and 2014. 1. The recovery is underway. The economic slowdown of 2008 is behind us, and as employees rebuild and expand their enterprises in a newly energized consumer environment, the job market [...]

4 Ways to Improve Employee Engagement this Winter

Winter can be a challenging time for employees, but as distractions pile up and the doldrums set in, this season can present an even bigger obstacle for managers. Here are a few ways to keep your teams on track regardless of holiday cheer, snowy roads, slow cold mornings, and limited daylight hours. Set a Good Example 99 percent of leadership comes from showing, not telling. If you want your employees to show up on time, every day, for every meeting, [...]

3 Ways Your Social Presence Attracts Candidates

When talented, high-achieving candidates rely on social media to look for work, how do they use these tools? What sites do they visit more than others? And most important, how can you take advantage of social media resources to place yourself in front of these candidates and encourage them to apply for your open positions? Here are the three best ways to attract the most competitive job seekers on the marketplace. Start a Carpet Bombing Campaign The first and last [...]

How a Great Recruiter can Bolster your Company Brand

Hiring professional recruiters to take on some of your staffing challenges can help you source, attract, interview, and select the best talent available. And while your recruiters work to staff your open positions, you can keep your own attention focused on the day to day demands of running your business. But in addition to helping you save time and target the strongest applicants, recruiters can also provide another benefit

5 Ways to Improve Your Onboarding Strategy

The way you welcome new employees into your office and introduce them to you current staff can have a lasting impact on your mutual relationship. Employees start learning to adapt to a new environment the minute they walk into the workplace, and if the first thing they encounter is chaos and disorganization, or overstressed, distracted managers, this can suggest a challenging road ahead

Hire for Cultural Fit

Hiring for aptitude is important, but long term HR studies are starting to reveal what most experienced recruiters and staffing pros have known for generations: Aptitude and job skills only contribute one small metric to a complex, fully informed hiring decision. The rest depends on attitude, or what some HR experts refer to as

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